Hi Les,
Great to meet you yesterday and thank you for your help with our equipment.
You have some superb images.
Take Care
Hi Les. Nice meeting you this morning, photographing the Barn Owls, such a special area in superb light. Great web-site. good layout and detail. Got me thinking now..
Good Luck.
Hi Les,
Good to meet yourself and Phill earlier in the week at Healy Dell, only one other parent shown after you lads zoomed off sedately in the Boy racer RS :)
I heard you had a good day at mere sands wood, Phill sent me a photo of the kingfisher he snagged . Hope you had some luck yourself.
Very nice site fella, organised person I’ve noted, Not like myself I’m afraid. I will now have to make some effort at sorting my travel and photo trips pictures out into some kind of easy to follow album system.
Possibly see you about again in the future Les, good banter the other day even if there was a lack of photos taken :)
Take care Les
Darren .
HI les,
I spent a few hours with you yesterday afternoon and what an afternoon it turned out to be, right time right place and a large slice of lady lucks helps everytime !!! Anyway I enjoyed your company very much, even picking up that little tip you gave with regards to the King of fishers.
So as promised I'll leave my details below.
Ps you didn't miss anything else after you left.
Kind Regards
Nice meeting you and Steph on Mull
Great pictures
Keep up the good work and hopefully meet up again one day
An extensive range of images Les & Steph - really like the birds section - maybe consider a shop section so you can sell some of the images?
Very good photos Les maybe look at selling some to Wildlife Mags .
Hello to all visitors to Abigail's Gallery!
Who knows, maybe we have been stood side by side, somewhere in the UK, photographing the same subject.
So Please, leave a message and/or contact details.
Sharing our images and our experiences is what photography is all about.....and remember whenever you go about with your camera I truly believe that the most important thing is to......
Kill nothing but time, take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints.
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